About Me

I am an Applied Science Manager at Amazon in Seattle, WA, USA, leading a talented science team to build a foundation model for shopping. Prior to joining Amazon, I was a Principal Research Scientist and Manager at Alibaba DAMO Academy in Bellevue, WA, leading a research team towards deep understanding and generation of the natural language and multi-modalities. Before joining Alibaba, I was a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research Redmond, WA, USA. I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Computer Science Department at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2015.

My interests and experience include natural language processing, text mining, information retrieval, and machine learning in general. I am currently working on various NLP problems, models, algorithms and techniques, including:
◎ Pre-training and fine-tuning of large language models (LLMs) for natural language generation and understanding
◎ Cross-modal learning; Vision-language pre-training; Cross-lingual modeling
◎ Open-domain question answering; Machine reading comprehension
◎ Deep learning NLP for text retrieval, search, and recommendation

Selected Publications

Academic Achievements

I have been working with my team to advance the state-of-the-art in the premier academic competitions/benchmarks in NLP and multi-modal learning:

Rank Competition/Benchmark Solution
#1 MARCO (Announcement) PALM & BayesQA
#1 GLUE StructBERT
#2 CommonsenseQA RoBERTa + KE
#1 SQuAD v1.1 (as of 11/1/2018) SLQA+
#1 DuReader AliReader
#1 VQA Challenge mPLUG
#1 DocVQA (as of 12/21/2020) Structural LM
#1 XTREME (as of 9/21/2021) VECO

Research Internships

Microsoft Research Redmond, WA Ad Click Prediction, Knowledge Graph Mining 12/2012 - 3/2013, 6/2013 - 9/2013
Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis 10/2012 - 12/2012
IBM Research Almaden, CA Large-scale Data Mining, Social Media Analysis 7/2012 - 9/2012
Microsoft Research Asia Image Retrieval, Computer Vision 11/2007 - 6/2008


Identifying Influencers for Topics in Social Media

Media Coverage

Inferring the Demographics of Search Users - Social Data Meets Search Queries by Bin Bi, Milad Shokouhi, Michal Kosinski, and Thore Graepel, Proceedings of ACM International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), 2013.

Selected Talks & Presentations

Generating Well-formed Answers by Machine Reading with Stochastic Selector Networks AAAI, 2/2020
Open-domain Question Answering with Machine Reading Comprehension Microsoft Research, 7/2017
Detecting and Typing Entities via CRF and Deep Neural Networks Microsoft Research, 5/2016
Modeling a Retweet Network via an Adaptive Bayesian Approach WWW, 4/2016
Learning to Recommend Related Entities to Search Users WSDM, 2/2015
Bayesian Modeling for Analyzing Online Content and Users Yahoo Labs, 1/2015
Learning to Discover High-quality Information for Web Users Symantec Research Labs, 8/2014
Analyzing Topic-specific Authority on Content Sharing Services KDD, 8/2014
Inferring the Demographics of Search Users - Social Data Meets Search Queries WWW, 5/2013
Automatically Generating Descriptions for Resources by Tag Modeling CIKM, 10/2013
Scalable Topic-Specific Influence Analysis on Microblogs IBM Almaden Research Center, 9/2012
An Effective and Efficient Method for Searching Resources in Social Tagging Systems ICDE, 4/2011
Collaborative Resource Discovery in Social Tagging Systems CIKM, 11/2009